What is happening during a starter Pilates course?

Dávid Enikő tanfolyamokIntroducing Pilates to beginners is not an easy task. There’s a lot to show and teach, while staying entertaining yet thorough. Here are the main challenges I’m facing as an instructor:

First, the howto of the postures and breathing. I like to explain what is happening and what’s the purpose, because I’m convinced that you like to understand what’s happening and what’s the purpose of it :) The posture is really important, not just for Pilates reasons: most people have terrible lazy posture in everyday life. Of course, partly it’s reason is not paying attention, but also originates from the weakness of the deep spinal stabilising muscles, which give up the “fight” too early. Attaining a good posture is a huge step toward improving our life quality. You don’t need any marketing-blah, if you can gain from your new skills right away!

Next: the typical moves. I could show some just to impress you, making you feel challenged, saying “wow it’s really cool” – but why should I? If you don’t understand the purpose of it in “small portions”, it won’t make any sense in “big doses”, either. If you’re simply copying the moves, that will be incorrect, in Pilates it is guaranteed. You have to understand them and feel them. But to give you your wow-moment: I’ll show you moves that may seem easy-peasy like it’s for toddlers, and you’ll experience soon enough that it’s harder as you think. Well, that’s your first break through point.

Meanwhile, you have to keep breathing: I’m settling the rhythm. You might think beathing in and out is the simpliest thing on earth – that’s true, just until you try to control it. Harmonising your movements and breathing is tricky, especially when I’m the one at the wheels. Quicky is too easy. Slow is boring. We’re looking for the middle way. On the top of all this, coordinating your body is the most important goal to achieve. I’m teaching and explaining each and every exercise, you’re trying to do it, again and again, I’m correcting your posture and style: mentally we are so busy that the sixty minutes are simply flying away.

This is exactly like learning how to drive a car: you learn the Highway Code, but it’s just a small part of the whole picture. Then you turn on the engine, and with practice the puzzle is starting to get into place. And if you are able to drive safe and fast at the same time, you can get into anywhere to get the most spectacular view you have ever seen.

We start building on solid foundation

The starter course is about the basics. That’s why it’s a course: during these occasions I can introduce you to the essence of Pilates, teaching the bare minimum that will serve as an efficient ground to build on in the future. Of course the compexity of movement, muscles, breathing requires much more practice than the first couple of hours, but still, these sessions can be joyful as well.

Do not expect full-service classes during the first occasions: usually the third is like a “normal” class anywhere else. If you understand the importance of the basics (in favor of your health and future joy), you’ll stick with me (I hope…). If you think that the task of an instructor is to give you a complex class, no matter what, you’re free to visit any fitness studio. But consider: on sand you cannot build a house. Just a shack, at best.
